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Ultimate Dibs

Ultimate Dibs

Regular price $19.99
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In Ultimate Dibs, you and your team will race to score some of the best things out there! On your team's turn, one representative will name a thing and then secure different categories one at a time by calling dibs on them if their thing belongs in that a category. If no one objects, the representative will discard the card, place a token on the space in their color, and move on to explain how the thing ALSO fits into another category, calling further dibs. The dibs calling repeats until they are done or they are challenged. The opposing team may challenge any dibs that stretches the definition of a category. If an agreement can't be reached, all players vote on whether the active team is correct or not. If the vote is in favor of the active team, their dibs is upheld in that space and may move forward with any further dibs they have. When a team manages to get 3 locked spaces in a row (orthogonal or diagonal) they have claimed THE ULTIMATE DIBS and have won the game!

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